Embedded Processor Systems            Applications                Support Applications             Databases        Websites



Embedded Processor Systems





Internal Weather Station: Weather station measuring temperature and humidity. Using Anvil Works to write an application that collects the data and plot graphs of temperature and humidity. Application can be found at Weather Graphs.


A close-up of a circuit board

Description automatically generated with medium confidence


Chart, line chart

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Chart, line chart

Description automatically generated




CamJam3 Robot Kit: Raspberry PI robot kit. Features include proximity sensing and line following.


A picture containing text, indoor, electronics

Description automatically generated




Embedded Processor Systems            Applications                Support Applications              Databases        Websites





EHS Control Panel: which reports on the status of my services, for example my SignalR hub. Also possible is the execution of custom GraphQL queries according to the EHS API to query data about my products.






ChatterBox: A NodeJS application that uses the ExpressJS framework including among others new HTML5 features (canvas, new audio controls, etc.), FAQ using Microsoft's QnA Maker, Google/Azure language translation APIs and a SignalR hub to process the chat messages.

Find it on https://ehschatterbox.herokuapp.com/users/login.





HDL Work Bench: Design, simulate and display signal waveforms of electronic circuits using

VHDL and Verilog. Export as JPG and zooming functions included.


hdlwb [status] [gui] [trace] [symboldump] [about] filename







UML Work Bench: An affordable, easy to use, object modelling tool supporting OMG1.3 UML (Unified Modelling Language) diagram types: Class, State, Sequence and Use-Case. Integrated model data dictionary, link objects to diagrams, files, databases and URLs. Publish diagrams to HTML and export as JPG. Extension mechanisms: stereotypes, constraints and tagged values. Object Constraint Language (OCL) support with automation interface and more. JAVA, C# and C++ versions available.


umlwb [status] [gui] [trace] [symboldump] [about] filename



Links Database: A collection of links to web pages, organized by category.

Users can suggest new categories and links.




Code Browser: Browse code outline files produced by the codeoutline.pl script




Search Tracker: Make your web page(s) more search engine friendly.




NodeJS Modules (hosted on NPM at https://www.npmjs.com/~gavinbaker):

Message queue (ehsmsgqueue) and support (ehssupport) modules.


End House Software API (coming soon): API run on a GraphQL server, to integrates all





e.g. query {version}


Project Tracker (Web): Allow customers to track projects and report issues, etc









Embedded Processor Systems            Applications                Support Applications              Databases        Websites





Job Control Database: Track projects, tasks, reports, etc.


PEPA Database: Store PEPA member data and information on their pets.




Embedded Processor Systems            Applications                Support Applications              Databases        Websites


Support Applications



DAT File Editor: Edit data files for the Real Aladdin�s website.



PEPA Database Power Point Presentation: Slide show to demonstrate how to use the PEPA database





Embedded Processor Systems            Applications                Support Applications              Databases        Websites





Eagles Nest: Have a meal in a mountain top pub.



Description automatically generated with medium confidence

Edenhurst Hotel: Enjoy a holiday by the Weymouth sea front.


Text, letter

Description automatically generated



Valley Services: Buy a property in Spain with confidence.



Description automatically generated

Choose Spain Properties: Buy a property in Spain with confidence.


Graphical user interface

Description automatically generated



Laurie�s Collectors Corner: Forum site to discuss antiques and collectables.


Graphical user interface, text, application

Description automatically generated

Heritage Log Home Rentals: Have a holiday in a Spanish log cabin.


Graphical user interface, text

Description automatically generated



The Real Aladdin�s: Come and visit an Aladdin�s cave of antiques and collectables.


Graphical user interface, website

Description automatically generated

End House Software: My company�s website.